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Automatic Building LOD2 creation with the Flai Web App

Updated: Mar 5

The LOD2 (Level of Detail 2) represents a specific level of detail used to create digital building models. In general, the LOD2 is a medium level of detail for 3D building models. It provides a reasonable representation of buildings for various applications such as urban planning, city modelling and visualisation, without the complexity of capturing all the architectural details.

Flai's web application provides a user-friendly platform for generating LOD2. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, Flai simplifies creating a digital representation of buildings.

The Flai web application simplifies building modelling by offering ready-made processing flow template.

How to use

Here's a breakdown of the processing flow:

  1. Data Preprocessing: In the data pre-processing phase, the key task is classifying the point cloud. It is important to extract only the points representing the roof of the building from the whole point set. This means that we also exclude the points representing the wall and roof objects such as chimneys, solar panels, etc. This step is carried out by a classification procedure using the FlaiNet Aerial Mapping model. Automatic classification using Flainet models is described in more detail in our recent blog post.

  2. Instance Creation: Next, the flow groups together points that belong to the same building, assigning each group a unique identification number. The Flai application also enables users to easily edit each instance.

  3. Automated 3D Modeling: In the final step, the Flai app takes the instances created and automatically generates a 3D model for each building.


The primary outcome of this process is the generation of building models at LOD2, which are subsequently integrated into the current dataset for enhanced display and comprehension. Potential outputs include the retrieval and storage of calculated volumes for the building models or the footprints of the buildings in a vector output layer.

Flai's approach aligns with the industry's growing demand for efficient and accessible tools to navigate the complexities of digital building modelling. By bridging the gap between raw point cloud data and detailed models, the app empowers architects, engineers, and other stakeholders to seamlessly integrate advanced 3D models into their design and planning processes.

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